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Feedster Develops New Ranking System to Identify The Top 500 Blogs

Today, Feedster launched the FEEDSTER Top 500,  a ranking of the most interesting and important English language blogs. The ranking is achieved by taking into account factors such as the number of inbound links over time; if the blog has been recently updated; and the elimination of obvious non-blogs that have appeared on other top-blog lists.

“Feedster’s ranking shows the diversity of content and opinion that make up the user-created blog world and move away from rankings based largely on who’s been around the longest. The list seeks to go far beyond techies and far beyond the A-list bloggers and far beyond text,” says FEEDSTER Top 500 creator J. Scott Johnson, who is also a co-founder and CTO of Feedster.

As a result, some of the highest ranking blogs reflect a wide range of subject matter, among them: Vimeo / Newest Clips, Albino Blacksheep, Sepia Mutiny, Stuff on My Cat, Baseball Prospectus, and Cinema Minima.

“We left out professional news sites, aggregation systems, and some fairly static web sites that happened to have feeds but don’t ‘feel bloggy,’” says Mr. Johnson. “This sort of filtering is a different screen than what we use to categorize news versus blogs in Feedster search and is much more subjective. Our first iteration of this list solves the staleness problems and not-a-blog problems that others have faced.”

“We’re planning to refresh the FEEDSTER Top 500 each month and will keep its ranking methodology fluid. As the blog world is rapidly changing, we must quickly update our ranking methods to keep up,” concludes Mr. Johnson.

August 16, 2005 in Press Releases | Permalink


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